hey! i'm miken and this is my blog to show what i've been doing lately as far as creating, homemaking, etc. this blog may be feast or famine with regards to posting so follow to make sure you don't miss anything!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

diy framed screen earring holder

Me and my good friend Kristi made these earring holders a couple weeks ago. Probably couldn't have been a more easy project and it turned out great!
Here's how mine turned out... :)

We bought frames from the D.I. for $1 each

We sanded them and painted them. Kristi painted hers all turquoise and I color-blocked mine with a creamy white and turquoise. As you can see below I used black masking tape to make a clean line with the turquoise.

We had an electric staple gun which we had used for the first time... as you can see some of the staples were a little iffy but effective! I'm sure using hot glue would be effective as well.

We also stapled on the ribbon to hold it up.

We also glued large beads on the back corners to set the holder a little further off the wall so the earrings don't hit the wall when they poke through.

And here's Kristi's :)


Aubrey Anne said...

Alright, I'm here. But I want you to know that I don't read this blog bc your craftiness makes me feel bad about myself! You sold me when you said you post good recipes I can make for my fam for cheap, though, so here I am! :)

annie andersen said...

Oh man super cute!! I've seriously been wanting to make one but where did you get the wire? Just a craft store? Or maybe Lowe's?

Packard Adventures said...

Hey! Your's turned out AWESOME! Love it! Okay I'm back from california so lets hang out!

kahili and brooke said...

I was telling kristi last week that I wanted to make one of these and she said you guys just did! they turned out so good!